Commissioned TCU Wall Art

I recently completed a commissioned piece for a client that was purchased as a gift for a TCU alumnus and serious fan.  He knew that he wanted the TCU mascot, the Horned Frog, to be the focal point of this piece.  At first, he was uncertain whether or not he even wanted "T C U" to also be in the piece.  He finally settled on including the "T C U" in the piece as he believed the recipient of this gift would appreciate it.

In the initial planning stage, my client and I discussed which form of the mascot would be used, the size of the "TCU", and the vertical placement of the mascot versus the "TCU".  This is a paper illustration used to assist in this process.

We also had to decide on the coloring for the piece.  We knew that it would include TCU's color, purple and white.  The client also indicated that he wanted part of it to be dark, probably black.  Below are several sample pieces that were made as we were discussing the material / color choices.


See my next blog post for in progress pictures of this TCU wall art piece.